About Your Hospice of Laramie
“Hospice provides support and care for persons in the last phases of incurable disease so they may live as fully and comfortably as possible. Hospice recognizes dying as part of the normal process of living and focuses on maintaining the quality of remaining life. Hospice affirms life and neither hastens nor postpones death. Hospice exists in the hope and belief that through appropriate care, and the promotion of a caring community sensitive to their needs, patients and their families may be free to attain a degree of mental and spiritual preparation for death that is satisfactory to them.” (NHPCO)
Hospice treats the person, not the disease. We emphasize quality of life rather than the length of time left. Hospice care seeks to enable our patients to spend what time they have left with dignity and quality either at home or in a home-like setting.
An interdisciplinary team of trained professionals is available on a 24 hour, 7 day a week basis to provide extensive service to our patients and their families.
Hospice is comfort care. Comfort care means choosing quality of life as a priority. Comfort care concentrates on the patients’ right to die pain-free and with dignity.
Hospice of Laramie is Medicare, Medicaid, and Veterans Administration certified. We were founded in 1983 by a group of committed community members.
You can’t give your life more time, so give the time you have more life.

This gorgeous photo courtesy of Dave Bell, Wyoming Mountain Photography
The use of the photographs on this website has been donated to Hospice of Laramie. Please respect our photographers and refrain from copying or using them in any way.